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Randy's Remedies

Detox Herbal Blend

Detox Herbal Blend

Detox Herbal Blend

-dandelion root, milk thistle, turmeric, stinging nettle, calendula, cat’s claw, ginger, mullein, green tea (Speedy Recovery- green tea, peppermint leaves, ginger, licorice, cardamom, fennel, marigold flowers, black peppercorn, cloves)

These herbs are selected for their detoxifying properties but have many other health benefits as well.


Recommendations:  take three grams per day for several days or more for best results; blend into your favorite juice or smoothie.  I prefer Naked Juices and take it in a shot glass or rocks glass.  See my YouTube posts for ideas and more!


One ounce (30 grams) makes 10-3 grams servings.  

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