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Randy's Remedies

Micronized Kava

Micronized Kava


Micronized Kava.  This is instant, ready to mix, just add 2-4 teaspoons per serving, the amount of liquid doesn't matter, but about 16 ounce of liquid is preferable for taste.   One ounce makes about 3-6 drinks depending on the person and how much you use.  

Health Benefits:

  • Social relaxation.
  • Lowering of anxiety, worries, and fears.
  • Natural sleep aid.
  • Boost mood and increase sociability.
  • Alleviate stress and keep calm.
  • Relax tight muscles.

Micronized Kava (instant)

All the hard work has been done for you.  Micronized or Instant Kava has already gone through a brewing-like process in which the kava is very finely ground, hydrated, and dehydrated so that it is more bio-available and you can absorb more kava-lactones per cup.  All you need to do is mix well with water.  Many people like to add almond milk and a flavor syrup to make it taste better like chocolate, caramel, salted caramel, vanilla, and/or agave or honey.    Much like alcohol, kava can be difficult on the liver so drink plenty of water when consuming kava.  Kava is most often a replacement for alcohol in that it provides anxiety relief, relaxation, and has a mild intoxication effect when consumed in higher doses. 

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